Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Urban environment notations

City Bountiful and Nature and the City:

The link between times of human suffering, desperation and community gardens is astonishing to me. I have a better understanding on what Professor Tidball was stating in the last lecture on horticulture therapy for veterans of war and how it at least gave them a medium to relieve post-traumatic sress or any other aliment from war on them. City Bountiful highlighted the innate need thata all humans have to connect with nature that seems to be loss due to modern consumerism, which flourishes as a substitute for nature. Also breeds the conception of man v. nature or nature is here to supply our endless needs which cannot be fulfilled due to scarcity- the basic economic principle that constrains us. This notion is also touched upon in Nature and the City, where the ill effects of our behavior have manifested into health and environmental hazards in L.A. Nature and City compares and contrast the cities Toronto and L.A. Where urban environmentalism is carried out in distinctive ways and are characterized unique within each city. Urban environmentalism in L.A. is tied to social injustice and in Toronto it is tied to politics and the effort to keep Toronto the epicenter of Canada.

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