Monday, February 5, 2007


I got some ideas about places to visit in NYC:
Museums, statue of liberty, times square ( i know i am so original aren't i?)
and this i just heard about today, the Essex Street Market, its somewhere by wall street. Did someone already mention street markets? I heard about this one through Ken Reardon, a Prof in AAP who worked to keep Trump out and protect the market and the neighborhood's residents jobs there. Any one interested?

some thoughts on the readings:

Nature and the City seems like a really interesting book because of its focus on the value of city gardens despite corporate interests to develop these places. I was also drawn to the environmental justice and environmental racism that the introduction promises to discuss.

City Bountiful was interesting, but less gripping than Nature and the City. I found the readings a tad repetitive, but informative nonetheless. The idea of putting idle hands to work seemed like a good one. In Cleveland, my home city, there are a lot of brownfields and unemployed people. I kept thinking about the possibilities for city gardens would be in my city. I was also concerned about the classification of "organic" for the produce from city gardens. Though these plants aren't sprayed with chemicals per se, they are grown in a polluted city environment and I am concerned about how the toxins found in most cities could effect the nutritional value of the plants. I was also intrigued by the idea of hiring children to work in the gardens, and how it gave them pride and leadership skills while keeping them out of trouble.

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