Monday, February 5, 2007

What is Urban?

So, Powerpoint doesn't like me and won't stay open for more than 30 seconds, so I will post this now, and hopefully I can put up a slide later, or bring one to class.

What is Urban?

Merriam-Webster ( gives a very concise definition:

Main Entry: ur·ban
Pronunciation: '&r-b&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin urbanus, from urbs city
: of, relating to, characteristic of, or constituting a city

WordNet (, a lexical database run by Princeton, gives a very similar one:
-relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area.
-located in or characteristic of a city or city life

Both of these definitions give a very dry sense of the word. They cover the technicalities of "urban" by discussing the idea of a city or large numbers of people, but there is a lot left out. I would prefer to give my own definition that encompasses these elements, but covers a whole lot more.

Urban: an area that is used by a large number of people. Many of these people reside in the urban area, usually in a relatively small space. Differences in class usually characterize urban areas, where parts of the city are inhabited by extremely wealthy people, while other sections are very poor. There are also many people who use the area that do not live in the city itself, but work in it. An urban area also has a lot going on at any given time. There is lots of entertainment an activity throughout the day and night. It is more than just a place, it is a way of life.

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